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Путешествя 2021
We are interior designers for creative industries, bars and restaurants. Our job is to organize perfect spaces for work, leisure and life.
Май 2021
Большое крымское путешествие 2
A passion for exploration and an adventurous spirit are at the core of our philosophy. We offer multiple formats of tour activities and develop trips to new destinations, previously unseen by tourists. Join a group or contact us to develop your personalized path.
Май 2021

Лекционный интенсив с Константином Михайловым
Всемирная история религий
Вместе с Константином Михайловым на три дня мы сбегаем из города в Подмосковье, где будем говорить об истории возникновения мировых религий.

Любопытство, желание дойти до сути - то, что объединяет наших Шагателей. При этом важно не просто знать, а увидеть, что в этом порыве ты не один.

И такие совместные выезды позволяют эту общность пережить и прочувствовать.
Июль, октябрь 2021
Масонский Питер
We are an interior design studio based in Wales. We work in three contemporary design styles: functional minimalism, eco, and modernist nouveau. We have a database of designers and architects inside and outside the company.
Сентябрь 2021
Выборг и северный модерн
Ноябрь 2021
Петербург Достоевского
Coffee and coffee places
Coffee house and coffee shop are related terms for an establishment that primarily serves brewed coffee and other hot drinks. Café or cafe or caff may refer to a coffee shop, bar, teahouse, small and cheap restaurant, transport cafe, or other places to eat and drink, depending on the culture. A coffee house may have some of the same characteristics as a bar or restaurant, but different from a cafeteria.
Октябрь 2021
Масонский Питер - совместная программа для ComHub
Coffee and coffee places
Coffee house and coffee shop are related terms for an establishment that primarily serves brewed coffee and other hot drinks. Café or cafe or caff may refer to a coffee shop, bar, teahouse, small and cheap restaurant, transport cafe, or other places to eat and drink, depending on the culture. A coffee house may have some of the same characteristics as a bar or restaurant, but different from a cafeteria.